2023 Virtual Campus Tour

Join our virtual campus tour, led by our 5th graders! Check out our different buildings and facilities, and the spaces where bilingual learning takes place every day at The Little Mountain School!

This entire campus was made possible by donations and generous gifts from our Guatemalan and USA communities. As you can see, we are still growing and building, and our newest classroom building is far from finished. Every dollar helps us complete construction, so that our students may learn in the best conditions and healthiest physical environment.

We are so grateful to everyone who has donated in the past and those who continue to give. Our school is only possible by your contribution, and we thank you so much!!

We have two videos here. The first one is the shorter of the two, with some bits edited out but with some additional text commentary put in. The second one is closer to the “full-length” original version, which includes more walking between buildings and moves a little more slowly. Enjoy!

“Edited” 2023 Virtual Tour of The Little Mountain School
“Full-length” 2023 Virtual Tour of The Little Mountain School